What are the negative and positives of this whole affair. Will they be able to make some positive changes that will insure their survival for say 5 decades? Will they survive the public scrutiny that the information age has brought upon us? Will their ignorant population base shrivel to 0 as information becomes available to the entire population? Will the big child molestation scandal that is now immerging sink them financially and cause them to lose all popularity?
Brokeback Watchtower
JoinedPosts by Brokeback Watchtower
The Watchtower Corporation Ability To Survive In A Changing Society Following The Edicts Of A Bronze Age Moral Code
by Brokeback Watchtower inwhat are the negative and positives of this whole affair.
will they be able to make some positive changes that will insure their survival for say 5 decades?
will they survive the public scrutiny that the information age has brought upon us?
Cognitive Dissonance Runs Deep
by vinman inwhile it is true that maybe 1 or 2 things woke you up (like myself), it is interesting to reflect on the reality of what you did not believe, even if you were a true believer and would of died for the organization.
here is my list (not a complete list, i'm sure their is more).
what is your list like?.
Brokeback Watchtower
No resurrection for aborted fetuses. -
New Kingdom Halls
by panhandlegirl inwhat's with all this new kingdom hall building?
just watched jw broadcasting about their master plan for building new kingdom halls.
sounds like a big deal.
Brokeback Watchtower
Can this New Kingdom Hall Scam be consider a Ponzi Scheme ?
Women going topless in NYC.
by Fisherman inwithin the past couple of days, women in nyc are going around topless in public.
i read in a news article, that in new york city, there are no laws against women going topless in public.the article says that family people are getting offended and they want to stop topless women in public.
in europe women show their breasts on on tv, the beach, and breast feeding in public.
Brokeback Watchtower
I'm all for equality and if men are not required to wear tops neither should women, this bare mammary glands nudity law needs to be taken off the books. I think women who give resistance to these archaic male chauvanistic laws make a very good point sitting way up firm and high.
Will Criminal Investigation And Prosecution Of The Governing Body Ever Happen Because Of The Policies They Made?
by Brokeback Watchtower inso far in more recent times they have only been called to take the witness stand in court twice to my knowledge one was a no show in defiance to a court order in which he gave a sworn false statement to the courts claiming austrian citizenship.
and the other jackson who gave a terrible witness to the court full of lies and misleading statements.
all this shows how damaging their testimony is when brought before authorities who demand answers for their behavor and policies.. i personal hope for that day to come and have a gut feeling that we will be seeing a lot more of these guys called to court to explain their actions and impose big settlements over their not living up to their fiduciary duty toward children who have been molested by ministers(elders,ms, co, branch personal) they have appointed.
Brokeback Watchtower
Well how many of us thought that they would have a Royal Commission inquiry into the JW child abuse problem? It caught me by surprise and was totally blow away at the dirt they uncovered. So I hold out hope that things are changing not in the Governing Body's favor legally. -
How are you spreading TTATT?
by vinman injust wondering if anyone has used any underhanded ways of spreading ttatt.
i mean, has anyone made up business cards or tracts and spread them far and wide?
i would love to engage in this "alternative witnessing".
Brokeback Watchtower
I'm not much to a talker or writer for that mater but I do get to discuss with people from time to time about the issues we talk about here. -
Should Charity Organizations Be Forced To Be Transparent As To Where The Money Goes? Watchtower's Financial Books Should Be Made Public
by Brokeback Watchtower ini know there is much encouragement for charities to have financial transparency and i'm all for it reguardless of whether they are a religion or whatever.
also lawsuit pay out should made easy identifiable on tax form too.
any charity should be accountable to the general public when funds are used to pay out lawsuits so that the general public is aware of where their money is going.
Brokeback Watchtower
Will the Royal Commission findings over abuse of children be used in eventual passing legislation for charities to be transparent? I think it may be on the table being that they are seeking for victims to be compensated by these institutions many or most of which are nonprofit charities. Let the contributors have access to information about the charity they wish to donate to. -
Should Charity Organizations Be Forced To Be Transparent As To Where The Money Goes? Watchtower's Financial Books Should Be Made Public
by Brokeback Watchtower ini know there is much encouragement for charities to have financial transparency and i'm all for it reguardless of whether they are a religion or whatever.
also lawsuit pay out should made easy identifiable on tax form too.
any charity should be accountable to the general public when funds are used to pay out lawsuits so that the general public is aware of where their money is going.
Brokeback Watchtower
American Democracy Demands Increased Nonprofit and Philanthropic Transparency
Recommendations for Implementing Increased Disclosure and Transparency
Just as McCain-Feingold led to an array of subterfuges of campaign finance disclosure, we have no assurances for suggesting that increased disclosure in charity and philanthropy won’t result in the best and brightest of the legal and accounting professions devising creative means of circumventing the intent of new disclosure regimes. Still, we think it is worth trying, because our nation needs more rather than less disclosure, particularly when it comes to the manipulative control of big money interests. Here are the Cohen Report’s recommendations for a new regime of transparency and disclosure in the nonprofit and philanthropic sectors (in no particular order of priority):
1. Mandate disclosure of all donations above a very small size—by name of donor and amount of donation—to 501(c)(4), 501(c)(5), and 501(c)(6) tax-exempt entities that engage in anything above a de minimus level of partisan political expenditures for or against political candidates. Care will have to be taken to come up with rules to prevent slippery bundlers from dividing up large donations into lots of small donations to circumvent disclosure, as some political fundraisers have tried to do with candidates’ political committees, but this can be done.
2. Mandate full disclosure of all corporate donations to 501(c)(4), (c)(5), (c)(6), and 501(c)(3) entities, regardless of whether they flow through corporate foundations or directly from the CEO, the marketing office, or any other office of the businesses. It doesn’t matter whether their money is going to the Heartland Institute to support strategies to deny climate change or to other entities to oppose, for example, health care reform, but the public has a right to know when General Motors is funding a third party to carry its weight against regulations that would restrict auto emissions, or when the nation’s pharmaceutical and insurance companies are financing the fight against health care reform. There is far too much money in the corporate sector—and too much power in the corporate sector—not to make this happen.
3. Require full IRS tabulation and publication of all of the grants made by private foundations and public grantmaking charities to 501(c)(3) and other tax-exempt entities. Despite the good work of the Foundation Center and its online database, supposedly presenting 2.4 million grants from over 100,000 grantmakers, lots of grants slip through the cracks, so that there is virtually no way for anyone to really know how much money is flowing from which grantmakers to which nonprofits. It’s not the Foundation Center’s fault. We are addressing a problem of public sector responsibility meriting a fuller accounting of charitable grant flows.
4. Require a searchable database, generated by the IRS itself or paid for on a contract basis to and through the auspices of the Foundation Center or Guidestar, of the investments of tax-exempt philanthropy. In our sector’s overemphasis on how foundations use the five percent or less of their assets they distribute as grants and program-related investments, our nation ignores the investment patterns of the remaining 95 percent in foundation endowments. As a result, the public does not know, except by detailed examination of telephone book-sized foundation 990PF filings, how foundations invest their moneys in corporate equities, and even then, the information presented in the 990s is all but impenetrable. Shouldn’t the public know how tax-exempt money is being invested in various corporations the same way it should know whether government-subsidized corporations receiving billions in TARP funds are financing ALEC and Heartland?
5. Mandate that the nonprofit arms of public entities reveal their donors and their expenditures. The creation of nonprofit instruments by state governments, public universities, and local governments should not be the public sector’s escape hatch to avoid public oversight and scrutiny. Maybe the football coach and the university president warrant bigger salaries than the state legislatures are willing to approve, but we should know who is willing to ante up for public university nosebleed-level salaries and whether, through analyzing those patterns, there are any implicit or explicit quid pro quos involved.
6. Mandate disclosure of all donations to 501(c)(3) public charities that are created by, run by, or significantly dominated by politicians and their families. Time and time again, we spot nonprofits created by federal and state politicians that are used as mechanisms to distribute charitable goodies such as scholarships or grants to create a positive public image for elected officials. These nonprofits are also used by donors as a way of signaling support and purchasing behind-the-scenes, unregistered lobbying face time. Efforts to restrict those practices, usually tepid at best, have gone nowhere. Everyone knows that giving lawmakers discretionary “members’ items” to distribute to favored charities—often with their campaign supporters and staff in the mix—tends to result in acts that are often more political than they are charitable.
The Consequence of Inaction
The recommendations above are limited to the role of the nonprofit or tax-exempt sector in American democracy. It is true that the nation must guard against the exploitation of increased disclosure, such as repeats of what Alabama—and several other southern states as well—tried to do to the NAACP during the 1950s to silence the protests of African Americans for basic civil rights. But the secret financing flowing to and through some elements of the nonprofit sector is just as destructive to the American polity, except unlike Alabama’s past ham-handed attempts, it is widespread, secret, pernicious, and increasingly part and parcel of modern American political practice. It is time for the nonprofit sector to stand up and stop being the handmaiden to the special interests that manipulate the U.S. political process through secret financial transactions. -
Was lett's video about child abuse claims as apostate lies removed??
by EndofMysteries ini saw the original video months ago but forgot which video it was, but i read in another thread somebody claiming that video was removed.
is that true?
i couldn't find a thread talking about this.
Brokeback Watchtower
The guy is one sick fuck. I would love to see him in court some day defending his cult and himself over these child molestation lawsuits. Zalkin Lawfirm might just do it to shut his pie hole. -
Another annointed disfelowshipped for showing love
by poopie inok this is story1.annointed bro moves into a house and rents room from a lady.
2.he is currently serving as elder.3.there happens to be a disfellowsipped brother also living in house.4.
the annointed elder decides to help him to return to jehovah.5 the other elders find out and decide to remove him as elder because he is living and helping a df person and the annointed bro cannot move out because he does not have enough money.
Brokeback Watchtower
Sick cult